Viruses are among the most common and one of the most easily contracted toxins that our body’s are exposed to. Symptoms of viruses can include: fatigue, muscle and joint aches, headaches, sinus/lung congestion, cough, digestive problems, nausea, vomiting, gas bloating, diarrhea, constipation. The effective anti-viral properties in VirATak™ work to not only detoxify the body of viruses but also to shield and protect against new exposures. Anti-Viral diet plans are to be used in conjunction with VirATak™ to adequately detoxify the body. Major foods to avoid while cleansing include wheat, sugar, and lactose containing products. Armor Detox™ or other liver and kidney support is strongly recommended while using this product.
Recommended dosage: 1mL 3 times per day.
Lomatium Dissectum, Burdock Root, Peptidase, Holy Basil , Grapefruit Rind, Yellow Dock, Golden Seal, Licorice Root, Sheep Sorrel
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