Low estrogen levels can drastically inhibit the body’s performance in women. Symptoms of low estrogen can include: hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, irregular menses, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, or mood swings. Life™ is an effective female remedy that helps to naturally increase estrogen levels and works to promote energetic balance and homeostasis of the female endocrine system, specifically estrogen. Life™ actively works to help regulate the menstrual cycle, diminish hormone related migraines and hot flashes, increase energy, stamina, and motivation, and stabilize mood. Life™ is available in a 24x high potency dose as well as a 3x low potency maintenance dose.
Marapuama root, Blue Malva flower, Pata De Vaca, Mother Wort, Holy Basil Leaf, Chaste Tree Berry, Cassia Bark
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